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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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I am glad we have VAR. Most issues I've had with it up until now has been the people using it.  As shit as VAR is, it is still early days and will only improve.


The ref today great example of why it was needed.


In before someone tries their luck with a "ref clearly too used to VAR" excuse. Not valid.

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Premier league panel has reveiwed pre-world cup decisions and admitted the following were wrong decisions/reversals, including the own goal we had chalked off at home to Palace.



So can we have them other two points then, please?

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It is a good step like, more transparency and communication can only be a good thing. However, it needs to be backed up by action. These panel reviews should be completed on a weekly or at least monthly basis with recommendations for how the errors will be reduced, e.g. binning off awful refs or more training 

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That is crazy by the Premier League.. say we missed out on champions league place by a point or another team were relegated.. does this open them up to be sued?


I remember Sheff Utd getting money for the West Ham Tevaz signing? Think the next season had started so they were stuck in the Championship but the Premier League had to pay them off??



Edited by RobsonsWonderland

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