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Steve Brute


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After we fulfill his aim and forecast of finishing in the top half of the table this season he'll get a new 9 year contract.  I don't know if he's looked at the table  but to get in the top half he has to displace Arsenal, Burnley Southampton, Everton  and good old Crystal Palace

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So this season was always going to be one of struggle?


Under Rafa we'd be top 6 in this league so the only reason it was going to be a struggle is Bruce.


Exactly. The only reason Newcastle were predicted for relegation in the first place is because Rafa left and Bruce came in :lol:

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I really hate it when people refer to the incompetent pricks such as bruce, allerdyce, pulis, pardew et al as "dinosaurs". Like, I get what they mean but dinosaurs are fucking cool, they make toys and films out of them and childhoods bearable. Stop hating on dinosaurs. And don't get me started on calling lasses "dogs"...



Aye, and dodos are better than chickens.

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For giggles I often read reactionary right and left wing fringe media, and that Edwards article is some of the worst writing I’ve ever read. He needs to start a sporting equivalent of Breitbart or Jacobin where he blames his own failings on everyone but himself and his heroes. 

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For giggles I often read reactionary right and left wing fringe media, and that Edwards article is some of the worst writing I’ve ever read. He needs to start a sporting equivalent of Breitbart or Jacobin where he blames his own failings on everyone but himself and his heroes. 


Pretty much the Telegraph at large these days. Mad how quickly it’s fallen since Britain lost its collective heads. I can only assume they’re trying to encourage it online to get angry clicks.

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I love the bit where he again tries to be the cool, collected calm voice of reason just trying to have a pint with his mates.  He spent that entire night arguing with people on Twitter.  Probably had a 4 pack of cheap, weak lager before retiring to his bedroom for a furious session with a pillow taped to a printed photo of Bruce's head.

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Thing is, why was it even a possibility that this season would be a disaster lee? Because we replaced Rafa with Bruce.


It's all about spinning the narrative - story needs to be shifted from Geordie Brewce taking over Rafa's stagnant, boring team and swashbuckling up the Premier League to Bruce inheriting a disaster of a club in free fall and bravely keeping them up against all odds.

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Persisting takeover rumours have obviously not helped and put a strain on the squad. Let's remember it's not just the players mindsets affected, Bruces job could be on be on the line too.


Sure we will see that narrative trotted out too.

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Was that oral discharge from Edwards published in an actual newspaper? :lol: Reads like a fucking angsty Bebo profile. "Me me me!" "I'm the best and everyone else is shit!" Daft shite.


Not really related but I just wanted to say thanks to Yorkie; At the weekend I was trying to remember what that other social media platform from around 2007 was called, I remembered Myspace and obviously Facebook but couldn't remember the other one. Thanks again!

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see that point about the athletic, i did a month trial on it when they did that blitz of publicity and honestly didn't see anything different from what i see from the likes of edwards in a broader sense


yes the direct football pieces seemed a bit better researched but are they doing any pieces tearing bruce's capabilities to shreds?  are they exposing anything ashley is up to?


honest question, because if they're not what the fuck are they doing

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Once you see behind the glass and realise that journalism is an old boys club full of people stroking their own ego of self-importance instead of adapting to the demands of the new generation of readers, this shit is barely worth reading


Realised that a long time ago back in the days when Alan Oliver used to spew his nonsense across the pages of the Chronicle. Jobs for the boys from top to bottom.

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