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  On 07/11/2020 at 13:08, KaKa said:

So when Rafa was here and we were all happy with the team, they all criticised Rafa for sitting deep against the top teams.


Now the football is terrible and all we ever do is sit back regardless of the opposition, we're always unhappy and want to be winning the Champion's League.


Yeah ... makes sense.


Aye. We were just idiots for being happy with Rafa.

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Lawro seems to have hated us for such a long time, I really wonder what his beef is. I know Keegan humiliated him when he kept carping about our defence on tv, and then Keegan brought him in as a defensive coach and proceeded to ignore him completely. :lol:

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The guy's an utter wanker and always has been. My last memory of him before this was him sitting in Brazil co-commentating on an entertaining World Cup, moaning about literally the whole experience. The painfully unfunny cunt was sat there in any football fan's dream job, picking holes in everything from the defending on the pitch to the breakfast at his hotel. I'm glad he's so clearly very miserable as he deserves nothing better than that, the prick.

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How he has managed as many games in the PL is mind boggling.

The complete lack of a game plan and any semblance of tactics is as plain as the nose on your face. He had ASM playing well out wide so decides to move him in centrally where he is lost.

What annoyed me most last night was in pre-game interview your one said to him about going 4th with a win and he smiles as if to go yeah I’m doing a bang up job here, go me.......what a turd

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There he goes again insinuating that we're too attacking; clueless dickhead. Not even gonna try and explain him yet again referring to Rafa. There's only a few fanboys and nerds, like me, still actually on about Rafa; not like anyone else is still comparing him to his predecessor. Christ knows why he's still on about him.

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Sly digs at fans, sly digs at Rafa, the coward wouldn't dare say all of this shit if fans were allowed in the stadium. He's saying these things knowing fine well there'll be no backlash at all. The fat wanker.


It's utterly pathetic how he cant accept any blame for how we're playing. Its everybody else's fault. He's literally worse than Pardew for blaming others.

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  On 07/11/2020 at 18:02, 54 said:


What does that even mean? :lol:


He’s attempting to use Rafa’s short blanket analogy (not sure if he even understands it) to expalain why we’re shipping so many goals. It’s because he’s simply too adventurous and too attacking and the reason we look fucking pigshit is that we’re just trying too hard to score so many goals. Always tried to be as attacking as possible hasn’t he? He’s fucking it up but at least he’s trying. That’s his narrative, push it out often enough and his mates will parrot it adinfinitum

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  On 07/11/2020 at 18:13, midds said:



What does that even mean? :lol:


He’s attempting to use Rafa’s short blanket analogy (not sure if he even understands it) to expalain why we’re shipping so many goals. It’s because he’s simply too adventurous and too attacking and the reason we look fucking pigshit is that we’re just trying too hard to score so many goals. Always tried to be as attacking as possible hasn’t he? He’s fucking it up but at least he’s trying. That’s his narrative, push it out often enough and his mates will parrot it adinfinitum

These quotes are shocking.  Why hasn't the press/media questioned him on this?

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  On 07/11/2020 at 18:57, Robster said:



Where are these quotes actually from ?

His arsehole



I'd hoped they were made up. The direct referencing of Rafa is staggering.


“You pull it up too far.....And all that comes in”


Bruce, S 2020

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