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Takeover Thread - July 1st statement, Staveley letter to Tracey Crouch (and response) in OP


Will the takeover be complete by this summer?  

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  1. 1. Will the takeover be complete by this summer?

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What a pile of cringe that is probably going to be (the GB News thing, not Chi). 


I find it absolutely mind-bending that anyone would think Steve Wraith is credible in an NUFC context. Surely the only reason you'd collaborate with a person like that would be to help deliver aspirations of (very niche and local) online fame? 


I have no time for Keith Patterson and admittedly know little of his (long since irrelevant) legal endeavours, and I find his coverage on here quite surreal - particularly given how well-versed and wary we are of Twitter bullshittery - but even if I did happen to believe he had some influence - or even insider knowledge - on this whole fiasco, his association with that muppet would be enough to instantly discredit everything. 

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13 minutes ago, Miggys First Goal said:

The people who watch GB News probably don't mind a bit of corruption, so not sure they're going to be bothered by PL corruption.


There is no such grouping as "the people who watch GB News", no matter how much you let your imagination run wild about it.


All there is are people who watch the news, be it Sky News, GB News, or BBC News - in other words people who care about what is going on in the world.


Try not to conjure up 'categories' where none exist, it's not worth it.

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If anything there has been at least things ongoing in the background, although at a snails pace. CAT Case opened on the 22nd April with the Premier League acknowledging this on the 4th May with them requesting an extension on the 11th May to contest the case. St. James Holdings opposed this on the 11th and 13th May which lead to the initial timeline of the 11th June.


The Premier League contested the CAT jurisdiction on 11th June with St. James Holdings countering this with evidence on the 28th June to which the Premier League replied to on the 30th June requesting an extension of time. It seems that St. James Holdings sent correspondence outlining it's position on the 30th June and 1st July regarding this extension the judge considered this and has allowed an extension to reply until 12th July.


Arbitration has not started so anyone via Twitter who implied it has been has now been proven to be incorrect. It might also imply why the club released a statement on the 1st July given yet another delay. I'm no expert, but I do wonder if the accounts being delayed contribute to some of the commercially sensitive information currently withheld from the Premier League, although this is from 2019/20 so could just be Ashley's accounting practice.


It might also indicate, as their current evidence shows, the Premier League have been granted an extension of time to prepare for the arbitration to the 9th June in that case which potentially delayed the start of the case. I haven't checked, but might be interesting to look at when Keith or Liam put information out to see if the timelines match up or if it has been guesswork. 

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46 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

Of course he went on gammonvision :lol:





Q. How to turn NUFC in to more of a laughing stock?

A. Send utter fuckwit and shitty kegs on a failing populist news channel to spout absolute utter fucking tripe, cos their mouths are open.


The absolute fucking pits. The lowest Ive ever seen this club. Embarrassing. 

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9 minutes ago, manorpark said:


There is no such grouping as "the people who watch GB News", no matter how much you let your imagination run wild about it.


All there is are people who watch the news, be it Sky News, GB News, or BBC News - in other words people who care about what is going on in the world.


Try not to conjure up 'categories' where none exist, it's not worth it.



It's quite easy. For example, FOX news. I can group those into a particular bracket straight away.

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Why do we have to hope to be taken over by an authoritarian government just to compete? 


Why do we have to protest on the UK's version of Fox News to compete?


Why do we have to plead with our owner to compete in the league he wants us in?


Don't mind me - these just are just the questions I scream into the night.

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15 minutes ago, manorpark said:


There is no such grouping as "the people who watch GB News", no matter how much you let your imagination run wild about it.


All there is are people who watch the news, be it Sky News, GB News, or BBC News - in other words people who care about what is going on in the world.


Try not to conjure up 'categories' where none exist, it's not worth it.


Of course there's grouping of "people who watch GB News". Let me help you....


Everyone who watches GB News falls into at least one of the following categories:

- Racist

- Pro-Brexit

- Right wing

- Completely intolerant

- Climate denier

- Anti mask/lockdown/vaccination

- Anti BLM ("aLl LiVeS mAtTeR!")

- Homophobic

- Think the Daily Mail is a good newspaper


Many who watch it fall into many or even all of those categories, because, and here's the kicker, THAT'S LITERALLY THEIR TARGET AUDIENCE.


All who watch it are despicable cunts. So yes, we can group them. It's easy.


(I'll make a small exception for people who watch it out of morbid curiosity but who themselves realise all of the above and are only tuning in briefly for their own amusement, kind of like craning your neck when you pass a car crash)

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8 minutes ago, Guybrush said:


Why do we have to hope to be taken over by an authoritarian government just to compete? 


Why do we have to protest on the UK's version of Fox News to compete?


Why do we have to plead with our owner to compete in the league he wants us in?


Don't mind me - these just are just the questions I scream into the night.


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1 minute ago, New Beginnings said:

Well done to everyone for getting the #nufctakeover on GB News


Exactly what we should be doing


Thank you Rachel Sweeney for listening 


Feel like you've posted on the wrong board here [emoji38]


Just from looking at the discussions on GB news, who I'll be honest had never heard of until I seen everyone fighting on here.

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Just now, NE27 said:


Feel like you've posted on the wrong board here [emoji38]


Just from looking at the discussions on GB news, who I'll be honest had never heard of until I seen everyone fighting on here.


Not at all mate


I think GB news has been brilliant since it started! Most on here won't agree, but that's ok ?

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1 minute ago, New Beginnings said:



Not at all mate


I think GB news has been brilliant since it started! Most on here won't agree, but that's ok ?


Out of interest, what about it has been brilliant (I'm genuinely curious)?

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1 hour ago, reefatoon said:

It’s crazy how much they are fighting this takeover. That in itself just leaves you feeling very suspicious of it all. Something just isn’t right in all of this.

Agree. I will never understand how this has taken nearly 18 months of our lives when it really is just a simple takeover of a £300m business that happens to be a football club

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