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I don’t know the lady but Shak, Mike, Gbandit, Pata, don’t know red jumper, The Prophet, GDM, Paullow and Blaze’s mam. After that I only know about half of the rest as I didn’t get a chance to meet everyone 

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On 26/02/2023 at 16:14, Dokko said:


I apologise in advance to those I've got wrong or left off. Remembering names pissed is trickier than taking payment, it seems...

Lady Bottom Left -- Maggie, @Convict Wife
@Shak above, holding beer
@Mike behind Shak
@Pata at the front in the NTL shirt
@gbandit behind Pata with beard and glasses
@Kid Icarus friend in red shirt behind Pata
@The Prophet stood slightly behind and next to Pata
@BlazeT44mam to the centre left, and lass to the right (my dads off camera next to Maggie)
Behind is @Scottish Mag
To his left is @gdm
Behind them next to the window is @Paullow
Leopard coat is @Shays Given Tim Flowers
His mate (Alex) next to him in Blue 
Behind them is @Convictwith the rockin' tash
Behind both is @JB
@Dokko is front right in the Broon Ale shirt
To his left is @ScottishMagpie's son
To his right in blue is @Super Duper Branko Strupar
Behind Branko in White Saudi Kit is @Llwydiarth
@Newintoon is hidden behind Branko and next to Llwydiarth
I think its @Disco next to newintoon and behind Dokko
@dinotheprehistoricgeordie is talking to Disco and in front of him (to Dokkos right) are his two mates, I think.
@Rocker at the back in a green coat and scarf leading the vocals




Edited by BlazeT44

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