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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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If they think he's professional enough to give his all for rest of season (which he is imo) then we have to hold him to his contract imo. If it was really something personal like illness he'd have gone already and I wouldn't have been too upset. He can give us half a season, it's not too much to ask.

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I think the worst of this is that I'm starting to lose respect for Colo and I never thought that would happen. :anguish:


aye, but not knowing the ins and outs I think he's earned the benefit of the doubt and presume he's got good reasons. Still, he can wait a few more months and keep us up.

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Guest malandro

The positive is that by dragging this out, we're clearly digging our heels in and being sensible about it. No way does he go now and no way does he go for free.

The negative being if he wants to leave this badly and the club forces him stay he's going to be one unhappy bunny.

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So weird, he's always come across as a great professional, both here and when he played in Spain.


Agree he is a great professional who will always do his best. I may burn for saying this but I'm not 100% convinced he's a great captain. He's got most of the attributes - automatic choice, popular, great player, experience etc. I am not sure he's been a great leader on the pitch. We did well last season and got results from having momentum but this season the momentum is not there and we have needed some leadership on the pitch and its not been there imo. Would always want him in any side we put out though.

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Has to stay until the end of the season. There is no elegant or graceful way of leaving other than that.


After Pardew said the problem was not the worst a player has faced (or there or thereabouts) and the fact it's still rumbling on just makes it seem like whatever's occurred is less terrible that we first imagined.


If that is the case then yes, if he wants an elegant exit, he needs to finish the season with us.

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